Catch of The Day

No, no, no, not me. What compliment could I possibly hope for whilst redened with sunburn, dressed in nothing more than a bikini, hair scraped back and soaked with tropical rain? This guy, though, look at him, what a beauty:

And him too, isn't he pretty?

Unfortunately they didn't look so pretty once the kitchen had cooked them to oblivion.

When we were in Fiji last September, I finally got round to catching my own fish to eat for lunch. When I say 'finally', that's not really true. When I was 12 years old I went ocean fishing for mackerel and ate my catch then, but I'm getting on a bit now and 12 years old was a long time ago.
So I wanted to remind myself that as long as I continue to eat meat and fish, I should be prepared to catch, kill and handle my own food.
I wasn't invited into the kitchen at the Kuata resort, on one of Fiji's Yassawa islands, so I had to leave my precious load at the door. Unfortunately, most of the fish I encountered throughout Fiji was overcooked and these two little fellows did not escape a similar fate. And because they were just little reef fish, they didn't really taste that great. Oh well, but at least I tried.

Previously on Fiji Fridays:
The Sweetest Girl | Exotic Fruits | Forbidden Food | Nature's Communal Oven | Lovo | Nama Sea Grapes |
Links, Resources and further reading:
Fiji | map of the Yasawas
Hilarious Photographs | of Sunburn
Island Travel | Visit Kuata
Own Your own | Tropical Reef
Why are the fish so pretty | Colour and Purpose
Cooking Hints | 5 Ways to Cook Fish
Archive Alert! On this date in 2005: Whatever happened to Spicetart?. |
Food | Fiji | Fishing | Kuata Catch of The Day
At 13/1/06 09:03,
Anonymous said…
Looks like you plunged your hands in the water and just grabbed them!
At 13/1/06 10:21,
Anonymous said…
It appears we are of the same mind today.
At 13/1/06 12:30,
Anonymous said…
Ok let's time we kill a pig together!
Sorry. I completely agree with you. Even if I hate to do it, I promised myself that the day I wouldn't be able to kill an animal to eat it I would become vegetarian. It's a good philosophy and I like to share it with you :)
Nice catch Sam!
At 13/1/06 14:20,
Anonymous said…
Nice pictures. Action shots!
When I was little, we used to go and kill the pig as a matter of fact, and the saucisson from it was something!
On tuait le cochon!
At 13/1/06 14:59,
Anonymous said…
what happened to the squeamish Sam actually handling fish!!!
At 13/1/06 16:51,
mae said…
Hi, i got here through Cookiecrumb's site...
You can't get a fresher fish than what you're holding!... Shame they didn't taste much but must have felt great to catch your dinner.
I often go fishing in the summer to wind down. I'm always happy when i catch something for dinner.
At 13/1/06 17:46,
Anonymous said…
It is fun catching your own fish/seaurchins/abalone ;)
great job on the fish!
At 13/1/06 17:56,
Farmgirl Susan said…
Too cool, Sam. Awesome photos. I love Fiji Fridays. They are always so colorful! But as a once California girl (who spent way to much time in the sun) I have to hassle you about that colorful sunburn. Ack! Where was your sunblock? Bad girl. No more fresh fish until you stop being pink. : )
At 13/1/06 19:08,
cookiecrumb said…
Well, how *did* you catch them? I can envision you with a spear. (Wouldn't you have loved to try cooking them sous vide? Nah, me neither.)
At 14/1/06 06:54,
Admin said…
The Desi bachelor Cook from India invites you to his Blog.. RSVP
And by thw way, the best blogger template I ever seen....
At 14/1/06 09:46,
Greg said…
Ouch!! I hate sunburn. Looks like a fun way to spend vacation.
At 14/1/06 14:40,
Sam said…
Gerald - it almost does - as it happened when we were out fishing it started to rain. As I was in my bikini - it didn't seem to matter I was getting wet. It was really the only raining moment of our almost-3-week stay.
Haddock - do you know about the slow pig blogging weekend?
Del - well, yes let's go pig killing sometime. Or we could just go to the farmers market together again. I like you following me taking photos while i am shopping. Can't wait to see all your new illustrations!
Bea - will you teach us all to make saucisson on your blog perhaps??
Mum - I am not that squeamish. Only when you talk about your nursing days over the dinner table that.s all. Can;t you remember teaching me to clean out the chicken giblets when I was about 9? Or was it 11? These days I am less queamish than you about food, and have been for sometime. Now who is it that turns their nose up at the thought of sushi??
Mae - I think I would like to go out on the ocean and try some more fishing some time. Its a shame that fred doesn't eat fish.
Clare - I was amazed by your abalone catch. Very cool indeed.
Farmgirl. Of course I wear sunblock - and lots of it. Unfortunately we were straight off the plane and onto a several hour boat trip and I did apply the cream, but as it was my first day I wasn't used to it yet, which is why I got burnt in the areas I missed. After that it was easy to apply the cream all over before getting dressed in the morning, but on the boat, with all our luggage and whatnot, I didn't do such a great job.
Cookie - we caught them via lines, then gave them a good whack to stop them flapping around in the boat thereafter.
Barbara - i knew you would be proud of me about the fish, and not proud for the sun-accident - please read my grovelly excuse to farmirl above.
Helen - welcome back! Ha ha - funny comment.
Anthony - great - another Indian blog. I love all the Indian cooking blogs that are springing up.
Greg - it was, I highly recommend Fiji - it is paradise and not too expensive either!
thanks for stopping by to comment everybody.
At 20/1/06 13:45,
Farmgirl Susan said…
The groveling helped--a little. : )
At 24/1/06 14:14,
Anonymous said…
oh my god....what did the pigs and fishes ever do to you???? you sick do you sleep at night?
At 26/1/06 04:13,
Anonymous said…
Hey, another anonymous, lol.
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