Utensibility - the Ultimate Shopping List for Discerning Home Cooks
Thank you to all of the bloggers around the world who each published posts about their favourite kitchen utensils in an attempt to help me spend a $300 gift voucher I received for my birthday. The response was fantastic and there are so many wonderful ideas, I am certain my money-spending decision will now be even more difficult than it was before. See for yourselves. On the left of the list we link to the blogger's post about the product, on the right, where possible, under the price-tag, we link to a random, online source where you can purchase it or something similar. (Double check for cheaper prices on froogle.) So, without further ado, here follows the most amazing kitchen appliance shopping list in the whole world...
Cutting Remarks |
Very Appealing |
Unique & Antique |
Hot & Steamy |
Cold & Creamy |
Simply Sizzling! |
Bake or Break, |
Totally Tipsy! |
Big Beasts! |
Long-handled Lovelies |
Intravenous Caffeine Drips |
Last But Not Least |
So there it is. Please don't blame me for all those gadgets you are now probably drooling over and the extra hard-earned cash you going to have to fork out in order to satiate any new desires. I was suprised that nobody featured a mandolin. My interest was recently piqued by Fatemeh's mention of her Kyocera ceramic version for the Cook Next Door. Maybe I need to look into that. I need a new sieve too, and I don't think I should miss out on the lauded MesserMeister either. I am going to dwell on this list for a while, before making my final decision. I purposely didn't put your blog names in the shopping list because I wanted the focus to be, not on bloggers, but on the products you all lovingly wrote about. I hope you don't mind this approach. You all get a personal credit here instead:
Thank you to everone who took part: Seriously Good - Toast - Chubby Hubby - I'm Mad & I Eat - Buttonwillow McKittrick, San Francisco Knitter - Kayak Soup - MedMusings - Delicious Days - Taste Everything Once - Cookin' in the 'Cuse - - Banlieue Blog - The Restaurant Whore - Culinary Fool - Tigers & Strawberries - The Thorngrove Table - Tedamenu Tucker - Stefoodie - Too Many Chefs - Nibble & Scribble - Delish - Eat Stuff - Food & Thoughts - Anne's Food - Mahanandi - I Heart Bacon - In Praise of Sardines - My Epicurean Debauchery - Soul Fusion Kitchen - Esurients - Nordljus - Stack of Toast - The Delicious Life - 18th C Cuisine - A la Cuisine |
If I made a mistake, or missed someone out, please let me know. Thanks again!

posted in Food and Blogging and Meme and Kitchen and Utensils and Utensibility
Utensibility - the Ultimate Shopping List for Discerning Home Cooks
At 12/7/05 08:35,
Chubby Hubby said…
Fantastic round-up and what an amazing list of cool stuff. Aaaarrrggghhh... must resist the temptation to start shopping again this weekend.
At 12/7/05 08:59,
Anonymous said…
sam! you naughty girl, tempting us like this!! lol! damn, i think i want to upgrade my knife!
this was such a brilliant idea - thank you for thinking of it and putting it all together in such a tight little catalog :)
and i LOVE the headings for each category :)
At 12/7/05 10:05,
Unknown said…
Very nice round-up. Now I can tempt myself with everyone elses' must~haves!
At 12/7/05 15:08,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sam!
Wow, what a list of great items and thanks for the well assembled round-up. Going through the list, the only thing I was missing was a add to shopping cart symbol next to each entry...good thing my credit card is way out of reach right now ;)
At 12/7/05 15:21,
Sam said…
hi everyone
there are a few bad links which i will try and fix much later
mainly i have the wrong link to all keiko's suggestions.
They go to her blog but not to the correct post.
I can't fix it quickly because I have inadvertently messed up something big time in this post:
After a hurried edit this morning b4 work I am missing an html piece of code, and it isnt immediately obvious where
as you can imagine - this post is a bit messy with all the links and stuff.
so I can't make any other more simple changes until I have worked out the other mistake.
I am feeling guilty now I have given everyone the itch to shop!
Sarah - i am glad you like the headings - i wish i had worked a bit harder on thinking something witty for every entry, but this was more than enough work already!
Linda - I hope you are getting lots of hits because of the intriguing price tag on your knives!
Oliver - you can send your creditcard number to me if you like - and I'll take care of your shopping cart!
At 12/7/05 19:36,
sylvie1950 said…
Great roundup Sam. So many great items, so little money.
Now how far will that $300 gift certificate get you. Interested to find out what you do purchase.
At 12/7/05 19:53,
Sam said…
I will definitely let everyone know when I make the final choices. There will be photographs and all.
On my list so far, probably...
A large whisk
A Messer Meister
A large sieve (mine is pathetically small)
An Asian Skimmer
these are all littleish things
I still cant make my mind up about my splurge item
the sumeet caught my attention,
but i am not sure i would use it enought
the magimix le mini looks gorgeous
the nutrimill is interesting too
so many things - everything looks great
i am even tempted by an icecream maker although i rarely eat it and the deep fat fryer, but no - my waitline would never forgive me.
Oh - its still so tricky to decidel
but I'll get there eventually...
the bad links should be fixed now, and the formatting.
I haven't got round to checking every single link yet so if anyone finds one - please email me to let me know
At 12/7/05 20:25,
Sam said…
ooooh - thanks barbara - that gives me a good incentive to get my arse in gear this weekend.
At 13/7/05 14:14,
Stef said…
oh no. i thought i was gaining headway on my buy list -- now it feels like i'm starting all over again LOL. thanks so much for the roundup Sam!
At 14/7/05 07:26,
Anonymous said…
The sale is online, too, in case you can't get to the store. What a list you've given us, Sam!
I had hoped to participate but work interceded. If you're still looking for other little splurges, I recommend the Orka silicone mitts (which are on sale at SLT!), which are the greatest thing ever to happen to potholders, and a tomato knife. I got mine for $15 at Williams-Sonoma, but I'm sure they have one at SLT. Nothing works better for preserving the skin and the juice of tomatoes when you slice them (and mine has a really wide tip so you can use it to transfer tomatoes to the platter). It is getting lots of use in our kitchen as tomatoes start to flood the farmer's market!
At 15/7/05 11:03,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sam - thanks very much for the great round-up! Have you decided what to get yet??
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