Sucettes d'Agneau aux Epices et Lassi Vert
Aujourd hui j'essai de parler Francais ('Franglais' vraiment) pour Blog Appetit Mon Francais n'est pas bon, mais peut etre vous allez me trouver charmante, comme Jane Birkin? J'espere...

Les ingredients pour cette Blog appetit sont l'Agneau et les petits pois.
Pour moi, l'inspiration de cette recette viend d'Inde. Le nom Anglais de ma creation est "Spiced Lollipop Lamb with Green Lassi"
C'est un "Souper pour deux"
Pour les Sucettes d'Agneau
1/2 tsp de garam masala
1/2 tsp de poudre de cumin,
1/2 tsp d'ail, hache finement
1/2 tsp de gingembre frais, hache finement
1 tbsp de confiture de figue
1/4 tsp de concentre de tamarind
1/2 tsp de sel
1 tsp d'huile vegetale
4 cotelettes d'Agneau
Mixez ensemble tous les ingredients sauf l'agneau.
Brossez les cotelettes avec le melange d'epices.
Marinee pendant 24h dans le frigo.
Pour le Lassi Vert
200ml de yaourt froid
500ml d'eau tres froide
150g de petits pois frais
2 tbsp de menthe fraiche, hache finement
1tsp de sel
Faire bouillir les petits pois pendant 3 minutes.
Passez au tami les peits pois pour obtenir une puree.
Laissez refroidir.
Melangez l'eau, le yaourt, la puree de petits pois, et la menthe avec un mixer.
Versez le melange dans les verres.
Decorez avec les graines de cumin.
Grillez les cotelettes agneau, rose, 2 minutes de chaque cote
Laissez reposer les cotelettes deux minutes avant de servir avec le lassi vert.
Yum, delicieux!
Ma recette est un idee creative. Experimentez avec des indredients differents si vous le voulez.
Les pois sont ici.
Mon amie Francaise, Del, a faire un illustration pour cette recette. Le Blog de Del, Non Dairy Diary ici.

My French friend, Del, created a wonderful illustration just for my Blog Appetit recipe. Check out Del's beautiful blog, Non Dairy Diary here.
In English Spiced Lollipop Lamb with Green Lassi
Mix together 1/2 tsp garam masala, 1/2 tsp ground cumin, 1/2 tsp minced garlic, 1/2 tsp minced ginger, 1 tbsp fig spread, 1/4 tsp tamarind concentrate, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp vegetable oil. Brush onto 4 chops from a 'frenched' rack of lamb. Leave to marinate for 24 hours.
Boil 1 cup of petits pois 3 minutes, sieve to form a puree. Cool completely. Blend with 1 cup of plain yoghurt, 2 1/2 cups ice cold water, 2 table spoons of minced mint leaves and a tsp of salt.
Broil the lamb chops a couple of minutes each side until pink inside. Leave to rest for two minutes. Pour the green lassi into two glasses and serve, for a light supper, with the spiced lamb lollipops.
Think of this recipe as a creative inspiration. You can easily experiment with different ingredients along the same lines.

posted in Food and Blog Appetit and Spices and blogging Sucettes d'Agneau aux Epices et Lassi Vert
At 18/4/05 22:39,
Pomme Pomme Girl said…
quelle originalité!
At 18/4/05 23:41,
Anonymous said…
J'adore ton français et j'adore l'illustration que Del a créé! Je ne mange pas d'agneau (dommage, il à l'air exquis!) mais le lassi est sûrement délicieux! Bien fait!!
At 19/4/05 04:02,
Ana said…
Well Sam, congrats to another English blogger who participated in Blog-appétit. And your French is very good. I spent some time translating my entry and making sure all was fine...or at least as fine as I can make it.
At 19/4/05 04:35,
Estelle Tracy said…
You are even sweeter that Jane, your text is great! Anad what a great team you make with Del:-) Bravo, Sam !
At 19/4/05 06:40,
Anonymous said…
Thanks Sam, the picture and recipe are amazing.
Pascale from C'est moi qui l'ai fait !
At 19/4/05 07:29,
Niki said…
Oooh - those are my absolute favourite type of lamb chops. I particularly love the crispy piece of skin you get down the bone that you can tear off in a string with your teeth ***shudders with pleasure***
At 19/4/05 13:24,
Anonymous said…
Today I'm not ashamed of my English...
You did wonderful Sam, I want to try your recipe!
Next time we speak Francais together!
At 19/4/05 16:14,
Anonymous said…
You always manage to amaze me with the totally most creative food ever! If you're coming to mine for dinner, I'm afraid you won't find me there. I'll be at yours.
At 20/4/05 07:12,
Anonymous said…
So beautiful and so amazing.
Bravo bravo bravo. J'aime beaucoup et c'est tellement original.
At 20/4/05 07:59,
Anonymous said…
Great and wonderful idea... A whole concept in a dish and i can imagine very well all the smell and taste of all those spices mixed ans grilled on the lamb. "confiture de figue" is coming to give sweetness and it will provide kind caramel during cooking.
It's a really good sample of fusion food. Putting the beans in the lassi sounds great.
I ve already seen similar concept of lamb as "sucette" but yours is fitting so well with blog appetit.
It must be a real coooking experience to taste it.
I will try it myself... maybe with honey instead of "confiture de figue"
Thanks a lot
At 20/4/05 08:37,
Carolyn said…
Sam, you never cease to amaze me with your creativity. Welcome to blog appétit!
At 20/4/05 16:53,
Owen said…
Wow! And to think that a few months ago you were talking about how nervous you were about writing about your own made up recipes!
That looks simply stunning - simply stunning.
At 21/4/05 12:35,
Anonymous said…
Bravo ! J'ai essayé le lassi au petit pois et c'est délicieux !
Merci pour cette belle recette.
At 21/4/05 13:54,
Ced said…
Sam, ton francais est charmant. Les fans de Birkin (en fait, ceux de Gainsbourg) apprecieraient une touche d'anis dans la marinade des sucettes.
At 22/4/05 07:26,
Anonymous said…
un mot, one word : CONGRATULATION.
I put your blog in my favaorite and this receipt for the summer, i want to try a "walking BBQ". The name "sucette" is perfect this receipt.
Tx Daniel
At 26/4/05 02:00,
Anonymous said…
Je parle aussi en français c'est plus simple pour moi.
Je trouve cette recette très drôle et très sdavoureuse. J'aime beaucoup les incursions de saveurs et de recettes venues d'ailleurs qui en se mélangeant astucieusement avec nos habitudes réveillent les produits. Et surtout étonnent nos papilles, c'est ça le plus important.
At 26/4/05 03:23,
Anonymous said…
Welcome in blog appétit et Congratulations for your recipe. Many pleasure et flavours, very interesting union between orient and occident.
Ségolène de "Boire et manger: quelle histoire"
At 16/5/06 07:15,
Anonymous said…
excellent idea, I'll try your recipe as soon as possible for a fine diner with my partner.
One remark : are you sure 3 mm cooking for peas is enough ?
One suggestion : add a coriander "chutney" for a spicy kick : mix fresh leaves of coriander (roots if you can find it) with lime juice and a green chili (thaï chili, for instance)
Aline, from Paris (I hope my english is OK...)
At 16/5/06 07:54,
Sam said…
Bonjour Aline
For this recipe, the peas should not be over cooked since you want them to keep their bright, vibrant green colour. Since peas can actually be eaten raw if they are fresh and young, 3 minutes will be more than enough. It is a good idea to plunge them into iced water immediately you have cooked them so that they retain their lovely colour better.
Your other suggestions sound delicious too.
Thank you - and enjoy.
Bon chance
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