XOX Truffles - Columbus - North Beach
Map 754 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94133, 415 421 4814
Visit the XOX website here

XoX truffles are tiny and misshapen. Each one is not much bigger then the end of a finger. This bowl full is about the size of an egg.
XoX truffles have gained a lot of popularity in the Bay Area. They have even caught the attention of a wider US audience, winning accolades and places in Top 10 Chocolate lists. XoX offers a shipping service.

They have a tiny little store in San Francisco's North Beach District. Not much bigger than a postage stamp, this is the spot where they make all of their truffles every day.

Hmmm. Does it show? I can hardly contain my excitement, at being faced with a cabinet full of chocolate.

XoX offer 27 different flavours and I tried several of them. They mix them up in the box so you can't always work out what you are eating as many of them look the same. Flavours which struck a chord with me were Framboise, a l'orange and caramel. The Earl Grey, which I was most excited about trying, was a disappointment. It didn't truly capture the essence of the tea. Generally, the XOX chocolates are dense, moist and creamy inside, with dark chocolate and not too sweet. They look more homemade than professional, but their beauty is on the inside. The flavours I singled out as good, are certainly worth a taste. XOX Truffles - Columbus - North Beach
At 2/3/05 12:15,
Anonymous said…
Sam this looks a wonderful shop; no good for dieters.
At 2/3/05 15:54,
Anonymous said…
and the guy who makes the truffes is French.
At 2/3/05 18:53,
Anonymous said…
Ohhh I remember this little place from my Spring fling down to SF last year!
I had a lovely Earl Grey one at the time. thanks for the memory!
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