Hot Cross Buns...
...Hot Cross Buns. One-a-penny, two-a-penny, Hot Cross Buns.

Today is Good Friday. The tradition in Britain, is to eat Hot Cross Buns this morning. The spiced buns, containing currants are delicious toasted and then topped with salty butter. The mark on the top of the bun is a symbol of Easter and the time Christ spent on the cross.
When I was a kid the boy scouts used to come and knock on your front door and take hot cross bun orders. They would then deliver them fresh to you on Good Friday morning. Unfortuntely, this doesn't happen any more and instead, you buy them from the baker, the supermarket or the farmer's market. Hot Cross Buns...
At 24/3/05 22:31,
Anonymous said…
unfortunately these did not taste as good as they looked. They were rather dry and will be better toasted.
At 24/3/05 22:38,
Sam said…
you arent meant to eat them untoasted mum.
Beccy had some delicious ones from Marks & Spencer
At 25/3/05 16:11,
Anonymous said…
Happy Easter, Sam! I hope you're having a great holiday...
At 25/3/05 17:03,
Claudine said…
I almost jumped across the screen. Great site; like your format.
At 26/3/05 09:43,
Alice said…
My Australian friend brought some of these to work today that she made (it was ecellent microwaved for 30 sec), and we had an interesting discussion - the hot cross buns I'd made at the bakery I worked in while I was in grad school at NC put white icing to make the hot cross, and I've seen this at other places too. Colleen was horrified to hear this, and told me that it was so very American to use icing like that. Looks like your crosses are also burnt on - I wonder if it was a Southern US thing or what...
At 5/4/07 13:51,
Violet said…
Whilegrowing up in Guyana, South America, my mum made the very best Cross Buns. I can still smell them coming out of the over. We are all home on Good Fridays. No school or work (not here in the US) and we ate Hot Cross Buns all day long. No meat since we were Anglicans. To this day, I have not had any Hot Cross Buns as good as my mum's. Tonight, I will try for the very first time to make Cross Buns on my own. Wish me luck. And I promise to create the "cross" either from the dough it self or cut the cross into the dough before baking. None of that icing stuff. Remember, the Brits created the Cross Buns. Happy Easter all....
Violet. VA Beach, VA.
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