Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bay Area Blogger of the Week # 41

Mary Ladd's Food Finds: Anthony Bourdain, a bit of a Tasty Dish!...

photograph picture of the San Francisco bay area food bloggers mary ladd friend of Tony Bourdain

Do you keep up with Mary Ladd and her San Francisco Food Finds? You really should, because she a food professional who writes engaging posts. And if you don't read her, you are going to miss out on priceless snippets, like the fact she is actually friends with Anthony Bourdain!

I am not kidding you, just the other day, Mary was sharing a dinner of testicles, tripe and chocolate blood gelato at Incanto with the world's favourite bad-boy celebrity chef himself. Of course, that gets you wondering - how did she wangle that? You can satisfy your star-struck curiosity with her explanation here.

PS. Bourdain has been hanging around with another blogger too: Read Michael Ruhlman's account of Bourdain's surprise 50th Birthday Party over at Megnut.

Archive Alert! On this day in 2005: Bay Area Blogger of the week # 12, Bunnyfoot.

Previously Featured Bay Area Food & Drink Bloggers:
2 tasty Ladies | Dessert First | Ms Glaze's Pommes d'Amour | Hedonia | Dive | Sweet Napa | Cupcake Bakeshop | Tea & Cookies | Albion Cooks | Blogher | Bay Area Bites | Hungry Hedonist | Mighty | Chez Pim | The Blue Bottle Clown College | The Novato Experiment | Amuse Bouche | Feeding Fashionistas | All In | Dr Five Pints | SF Gourmet | Small Farms | In Praise of Sardines | Life Begins @ 30 | Gastronomie | Confessions of a Restaurant Whore | Bunny Foot | Sweet & Savory | I'm Mad and I Eat | Yummy Chow | Nosheteria | Vivi's Wine Journal | Epicurian Debauchery | Food Musings | Pfiff | Marga's Food Blog | Where the Wild Things Are | Eggbeater

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  1. I love that you are still doing Bay Area Blogger of the Week. I've (you've?) discovered so many great blogs. Am off to check out this one. Thanks!

    P.S. Kitten photos are too cute. Great post.

  2. Hey Sam- I saw Floyd on the Travel Channel last week. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing that they'll be re-broadcasting anytime soon...

  3. Anonymous27/6/06 13:15

    I love Anthony Bourdain! I don't live in the San Francisco area, but since she's a friend of his I may just start reading her. It's a terrible reason, I know, but she must be good!

  4. farmgirl - the best thing is that I have about a hundred more bay area food blogs to get through so this series will keep me busy fr a long time to come...

    s'kat - thanks for the tip. Unfortunate... :( Well - I will just have to keep on keeping FLoyd as a good memory - that's ok!

    rising sun - she must be indeed! Enjoy...


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