Saturday, July 23, 2005

Bay Area Blogger of the Week #16

In Praise of Sardines, A stomach's eye view of the world...

photograph picture of a Sardine from In Praise of Sardines
Although this weekend is shaping up to be a bit warmer, Summer has been very slow coming to San Francisco. Whilst I have been stuck in a dark office or blanketed by shrouds of fog, I have been turning to In Praise of Sardines for a taste of the Sun. It's author, Brett, is a San Francisco-based thirty-something professional cook (currently "on hiatus"). Since he recently took off for Spain, I have been living vicariously through Brett, enjoying his pictures and descriptions of the local food including, of course, the sardines which inspired him. Go check him out,say hello and give him a big welcome to the food blogging community!

PS Brett was one of the people who suggested a Sumeet Multi Grind during my recent Utensibility event.

Previously Featured Bay Area Food & Drink Bloggers:
Life Begins @ 30 - Gastronomie - Confessions of a Restaurant Whore - Bunny Foot - Sweet & Savory - I'm Mad and I Eat - Yummy Chow - Nosheteria - Vivi's Wine Journal - Epicuran Debauchery - Food Musings - Pfiff -Marga's Food Blog - Where the Wild Things Are - Eggbeater

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