Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Simple Joys of Summer

photograph picture of a simple heirloom tomato, fresh basil and mozzarella salad drizzled with olive oil and sesoned with New Maldon salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heirloom tomato, fresh basil and mozzarella salad, drizzled with olive oil then seasoned with Maldon sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

News Flash! On our most recent visit to favourite local creperie,Ti Couz (July 9th 2005), they had changed the brand of their French Brut Cidre to 'Le Village'. Despite the word 'brut' on the label, it is far too sweet for our tastes. As such, we can no longer highly recommend this beverage. Everything else at Ti Couz was still up to the usual high standards.


  1. Good looking tomatoes. My poor backyard toms are still green:(

  2. But to grow your own is so much more worthy. This fine fellow was actually bought at the Farmers Market over a week ago and needed to be eaten promptly. It's true he was ripe and delicious.

    I am sure by the end of the summer you are going to be making the rest of us positively jealous with your home grown efforts.

  3. Anonymous10/7/05 18:41

    That's funny. Wait 'til you see my SFist entry for Tuesday :)

  4. Rock on fresh yummy skilled in the art of fresh. We got nothin' but grilled pork with ingredients over a hickory flavor over here.
    I did eat a raw carrot yesterday.


  5. Anonymous10/7/05 21:20

    Great photo. I love this simple salad. Roll on summer in the southern hemisphere. I don't grow my own tomatoes but I do grow basil in summer.

  6. Yum!
    I cant wait til it is summer here again... its been cold *brr*

  7. hi sam, your caprese looks fantastic!

  8. thanks everyone - sometimes you just cant beat simplicity

  9. Gorgeous! And yum, yum, yum!


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