Saturday, June 03, 2006

WD50 - 50 Clinton Street - New York City

on Manhattan's Lower East Side

click on any individual picture to stop the slideshow and read more details about it.

I don't think I could have come to New York without satisfying my curiosity about chef, Wylie Dufresne's WD50. It was fun. Sam Mason works magic as a pastry chef. The desserts (well, at least two of the three we tried), were a smash hit. I was seriously considering ordering second helpings of both the Manchego cheesecake, foamed pineapple, thyme and the Soft chocolate, sesame ice cream, ancho caramel, peanut powder. I think I would have done had I not worried about other members of my family, thinking me a glutton.

The service was great. The waiter reommended to me a glass of the Riesling 'Hattenheimer' Kabinett Von Simmern 2003 to pair with my pork belly. The whole family loved the taster I gave them of it, so we ended up ordering a bottle to share. It was decanted and beautifully presented. I am generally a red wide drinker but I think that this Riesling might signal a change in my future drinking habits.

Links, Resources and Further Reading

Much has previously been blogged about WD50.
As I mainly gave you just pictures, here are the words of some others:

The Finicky Lawyer

The Girl Who Ate Everything
Obsession With Food
The Hungry Hedonist
Foodite: A Tasting for the Eyes

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  1. Wow, that's some gorgeous photography! The food's rather pretty as well.

    Glad you're having a fun and delicious time.

  2. Great the Martini :)

  3. Anonymous3/6/06 16:28

    wow, the food looks amazing. love your new flash slide show additions. may i borrow your idea sam?

  4. Anonymous3/6/06 17:51

    as crazy as wd-50 is, the desserts usually outshine the mains - wylie is a mad genius, but same moreso.

    you should also check out Chikalicious for their 3 course dessert tasting menu. very good. (if you eat @ Momofuku right around the corner, it makes a great end to the evening.)

  5. Anonymous3/6/06 21:43

    Shit, I just wanna walk out onto the humid, warm, rainy sidewalk and meander home, all woozy from the drink. (sigh) Happy almost birthday!

  6. Yes, please tell me you are going to head over to Chikalicious. Order the "cheesecake." guaranteed even Fred will like it! The fellow at the door is Don-- please let him know that i forced you to go!!

    also the pierogis at Veselka on 9th st/2nd ave are aval. 24 hours a day!

  7. Anonymous4/6/06 11:17

    I'm SO glad you got the deconstructed tongue sammich, and I can't WAIT to hear your impressions!

  8. Anonymous4/6/06 18:37

    Sam, is it just me, or was your visit a little disappointing?

    There are a number of dishes at WD50 I find intriguing. I'm particularly keen to learn more about your impressions of the deep fried mayo. I found a recipe for it, and would really love to try it sometime.

    Did they serve their signature shrimp pasta?

    Thanks for a fascinating post.

  9. Anonymous4/6/06 18:55

    Good to see that you and your family are having a great time and eating well! Isn't NYC fantastic? I'm sure you have all your meals planned, but I know I would be tempted by the Momofuku/Chikalicious combo that a few people are proposing. Those are both on my "to try" list. If you or your Mum need a cuppa, you might want to stop by Tea & Sympathy in the Village. And I couldn't forgive myself if I neglected to mention Prune in the East Village. Have a great time at Babbo on your birthday!

  10. Looks like you had a fantastic meal. I've heard Sam Mason does wonders. Thanks for the lovely post. WD50 is definitely on my list next time I'm in NYC.

  11. ooh you went to Wylie's! He is such a sweetheart. I knew him years ago when he was practising his dishes in his scrubby Hell's Kitchen apartment. He always had pots and pans filling up the whole kitchen. I am so happy he has done so well. He really deserves it.

  12. Tea - it not onlylooked good, it tasted good as well.

    WMM - the martini didn't last long I can tell you - it was delicious!

    Deborah - please go ahead and use the slide show- its not really my invention anyway.

    Instructions over at Food Blog Scool

    Anon - unfortunately we didnt make it back to that hood. Too many food options, too little time!!

    Catherine - the rain was getting to me a bit by the end of six days so glad to be back in Sunny but cooler CA.

    Shuna - I am so sorry but Chikalicious will have to wait til next time!

    Fatemeh - my impression is that I loved WD50 - its not a comforting familial experience, but it is an experience that memories are made of.

    Rob - no not disappointing at all. I would be lying if I said everything we ate there was 100% great, but a lot of it was and the experience was one that will be treasured.

    Brett - well - we didn't need any tea and sympathy in the end, plus my mum can't abide tea! I am the tea addict in the family.

    Sam - yes Sam Mason is a star in my dessert book. But then all Sams are totally cool, no?

    Gabriella - I am happy to hear that good things have happened to nice people: and then we all get to reap the benefits!!


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