Thursday, June 16, 2005

Look at this Beauty...

What kind of flower is this?

Looking for Pimm's & Lemonade? Then go here! Flowery ice cube, further down this page...

photograph picture of a mystery flower
What am I making with the flower?
photograph picture of a mystery flower
What am I going to use it for?
Good news for my mum - she is allowed to enter this time!

I have quite a few more posts about San Diego
but I am now on 7-day weeks and work has just gone a bit crazy. I don't want to write them up in too much of a hurry, I need to do them justice. I know I have at least one visitor who is checking in especially for the San Diego posts, so I just wanted to let you all know they are on the radar, I am just not sure when they'll pop up in a post. I was so busy I couldn't even do my A to Zed feature for SFist although I did manage an interview instead. Check it out, if only for the pink wig and the silly glasses. Other food bloggers you might recognise: Derrick was featured on Tuesday and I suspect our Frenchman in SF, Ced, will be up on SFist later today.

I do have a Tasty Tart ready for tomorrow. Don't forget it will be Sugar High Friday!

posted in and and


  1. I'm going to guess a jasmine flower for jasmine tea.

  2. Anonymous16/6/05 09:18

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  3. Anonymous16/6/05 10:15

    Is it a borage flower to be encased in an ice cube to float in a cold watercress soup?

  4. OK, so it has nothing to do with the flower, but thanks so much for the link in your SFist interview! That's so cool. And handily, some friends and I are going out to a new place tonight, so I'll even have another review up soon.

  5. Anonymous16/6/05 14:06

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  6. Borage flower. They taste like raw oysters to me but I have no idea what you are going to make with them.

    I would like to state for the record, thank you for blogging under those working conditions! I think I would drop out of touch with the Whole world if I were working like you! (And I have and I have.)

  7. " They taste like raw oysters to me..."

    Lol! I'm really curious now! I was thinking a nice borage jelly or syrup, but the raw oyster note puts a new spin on those creations. :) Mmm raw oyster tarts...

    -off to find flowers to munch on

  8. Thanks for all the guesses. it is, of course, a Borage flower being made into an ice cube. And although I like Chubby's idea of a cold watercress soup, I am actually making them ready for when Summer comes back to San Francisco and I can enjoy a nice jug of Pimms and lemonade. Yum.

  9. Anonymous17/6/05 08:18

    One thing some of those carazee Yanks may not know is that lemonade is sometimes known as Sprite or 7up. It has been so hot this month, that I have already broken out the Pims, cucumber, apple, mint, lemon, orange and limes (and sometimes strawbs) BUT I hadn't thought about borage cubes B4. Gotta try it.

  10. for Pimms, they are the icing on the cake, chubby.
    they just look so pretty.

    I am trying to remember if i used to put a few borage leaves in their too along with the mint
    but my borage leaves aren't doing as well as my borage flowers right now. desite all the rain here, they are a bit dry and crispy

  11. Anonymous17/6/05 21:57

    wow, I'm gonna have to experiment with my Pims recipe now. Luckily, it happens to be my very favorite summer drink.
    Thanks for the tip

  12. Anonymous18/6/05 09:35

    oh wow, this is a borage flower? i planted some this year but i didn't realize the blooms were going to be so pretty! i can't wait! thanks for posting this. eagerly awaiting your improved Bakewell tart recipe.

  13. yes, stef - i think they are the prettiest, most unusual, EDIBLE flowers of all
    good luck with your borage growth!


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